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Showing posts from January, 2020

Error : 9002 The Transaction Log for database 'DB' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP' Sql Server Error in Event View for AX dynamics D365

This is one of the most common error faced by developers often working with database. This error is very much common for SQL servers as when the LOG size runs out in other words reaches 100% then we encounter this error. Being an AX developer, when the log usage reaches to 100% AX stops working and throw reconnecting request error. For this there is a rapid solution and i have written query for it. Step #1: --this could be use to check you Database log file name and its location use AxDB--in my case AxDB is my Database Name select * from sys.database_files Step #2: --This could be used to see you log space usage for your particular log DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) Step #3: --In my case Database log file name is D365DB_log --use this query to shrink your log file size USE AxDB; GO -- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE. ALTER DATABASE AxDB SET RECOVERY SIMPLE; GO -- Shrink the truncated log file to 1 MB. DBCC SHRINKFILE (D365DB_log, 1); G

Date Filter using X++ AX 2012 and D365 F&O

One of the basic functionality that developer uses while using date filters. So here we will be using a helper funtion that will be catering all the conditions that has been linked with Date filter. Scenario : Here we are using the date set on DimensionAttributeValue to check its validity/Activity  public boolean validate()     {         DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;         boolean ret = super();         if (ret && this.DimensionAttributeValue)         {             dimensionAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::find(this.DimensionAttributeValue);         }         if (dimensionAttributeValue)         {             if (dimensionAttributeValue.ActiveFrom != dateNull()                 && (this.ActiveFrom < dimensionAttributeValue.ActiveFrom || this.ActiveFrom == dateNull()))             {                 // The Active from date for the legal entity cannot be earlier than the shared Active from date.                 ret = ch

Report Name configured in Print Management settings D365 F&O using X++

In Dynamics AX, We being a developer has been asked by the client to display multiple reports set through Print Management. Free Text Invoice reports or Sales Order Confirmation and many other uses print management setups to call custom or OOTB reports so here below i have written query to find the report name setup on PMS(Print Management Settings). Helper functions written to find the report name and this could be easily used in extension class  public static SRSCatalogItemName reportNameCheck ()     {         PrintMgmtReportFormatName   printMgmtReportFormatName;         PrintMgmtReportFormat            printMgmtReportFormat;         PrintMgmtDocInstance              printMgmtDocInstance;         PrintMgmtSettings                     printMgmtSettings;               select DocumentType , RecId  from printMgmtDocInstance             where printMgmtDocInstance.DocumentType ==           PrintMgmtDocumentType::PurchaseOrderRequisition//in my case Enum value         join Par