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Send email with report attachment using x++

 Hello Devs!

Sending auto email functionality is one of the most common functionality that client asks for. Similarly, I have documented this blog to help people to achieve this functionality. 

Pre Requisites for this approach:
1)  SMTP setting must be configured based on server. 

Core Logic :

public void sendEmailwithAttachment(SalesTable _salesTable)


        Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Reporting.Shared.ReportingService.ParameterValue[]                    parameterValueArray;

        SysOperationQueryDataContractInfo       sysOperationQueryDataContractInfo;

        SrsReportRunController                  reportRunController;

        SRSReportExecutionInfo                  reportExecutionInfo;

        SRSPrintDestinationSettings             printDestinationSettings;

        SRSReportRunService                     srsReportRunService;

        SRSProxy                                srsProxy;

        Object                                  dataContractInfoObject;

        Map                                     reportParametersMap;

        System.Byte[]                           reportBytes;

        Filename                                fileName;

        Args                                    args;

        System.IO.MemoryStream                  memoryStream;

        System.IO.MemoryStream                  fileStream;

        Email                                   toEmail  ;

        CfzEcomDigiReceiptContract              contract;

        Map                                     templateTokens;

        str                                     emailSubject, emailBody;

        CustTable                               custtable;

        SalesTable                              SalesTable;

        logisticsPostalAddress                  logisticsPostalAddress;

        custtable               = custtable::find(_salesTable.CustAccount);

        reportRunController     = new SrsReportRunController();

        contract                = new CfzEcomDigiReceiptContract();

        reportExecutionInfo     = new SRSReportExecutionInfo();

        srsReportRunService     = new SrsReportRunService();

        reportBytes             = new System.Byte[0]();

        args                    = new Args();

        templateTokens          = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

        var messageBuilder      = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();



        fileName    = strFmt("@CFZLabels:fileName", custTable.AccountNum);


        reportRunController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(CfzEcomDigiReceipt, Report));





        printDestinationSettings = reportRunController.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings();








        reportParametersMap = srsReportRunService.createParamMapFromContract(reportRunController.parmReportContract());

        parameterValueArray = SrsReportRunUtil::getParameterValueArray(reportParametersMap);

        srsProxy        = SRSProxy::constructWithConfiguration(reportRunController.parmReportContract().parmReportServerConfig());

        reportBytes     = srsproxy.renderReportToByteArray(reportRunController.parmreportcontract().parmreportpath(),




        memoryStream    = new System.IO.MemoryStream(reportBytes);

        memoryStream.Position = 0;

        fileStream      = memoryStream;

        toEmail         =;

        if ( toEmail)


            SysEmailTable   SysEmailTable;

            select firstonly SenderAddr, EmailId from SysEmailTable;

            emailSubject = strFmt("@CFZLabels:ECOReceipt", _salesTable.CustomerRef);

            templateTokens.insert("@SYS74341", emailSubject);

            templateTokens.insert("@SYS4009003", filename);

            logisticsPostalAddress =             LogisticsPostalAddress::findRecId(_salesTable.DELIVERYPOSTALADDRESS);

            emailBody = strFmt("@CFZLabels:EcoBody", _salesTable.CustomerRef, logisticsPostalAddress.address);

            emailBody = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(emailBody, SysEmailTable::htmlEncodeParameters(templateTokens));

            emailBody = strReplace(emailBody, '\n', '<br>');





            messageBuilder.setFrom(SysEmailTable.SenderAddr , SysEmailTable.SenderName) ;

            messageBuilder.addAttachment(fileStream, fileName);


            info(strFmt("@XYZLabels:EmailSentMessage", custtable.AccountNum));

            select forupdate salestable

                where  salestable.salesid ==  _salesTable.SalesId;


            salestable.XYZIsEmailSent = NoYes::Yes;






            info(strFmt("@XYZLabels:NoEmail", custtable.AccountNum));




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